Oh my laziness!

Posted on October 2, 2013

So, you know quite some bits of Haskell now and are willing to dig a bit deeper, understand when something in your code is going to get evaluated, and when it won’t? You have just landed in the right place. This section will attempt to give some intuition as to how laziness is implemented in the GHC runtime, how to know when some argument of a function is evaluated, how to have a finer grained control of this, how to make some parts stricter, and how you can handle these matters directly in your data types rather than in your functions, and much more!


This article gives a modest shot at explaining how to gain a better control of evaluation in your Haskell code. Whether your goal is to write some fast number crunching code with plenty of tight loops or if you rather want to process gigabytes of streaming data, this article should provide you with the basic building blocks for succeeding. However, just using what you will learn in the section dedicated to strictness isn’t enough. The strictness machinery in GHC isn’t a magic bullet to make any code fast, obviously. You really eventually have to tailor your usage of strictness and laziness in your data types and functions to your specific use cases. Laziness can help a lot performance-wise too! If you’re reading gigabytes of data, you most likely don’t want to have it all in memory at the same time, but rather have some chunks that you’d read and process one by one. This requires strictness and laziness to play well together. If your code uses too much strictness for your use case, it can end up eating huge amounts of memory behind your back where it could have used smaller chunks of memory over time. Both strictness and laziness should be used wisely!

Hello, laziness!

You probably have heard that Haskell is a call-by-need programming language, as opposed to call-by-value like, say, C++, Python and most of the mainstream programming languages. That just means that for example in C++, the following function:

int f(int x, int y) { 
    if(x > 0)
      return x-1;
      return x+1; 

when called, will evaluate both its arguments, even if for example the y comes from a large computation that can throw exceptions or stay stuck in an infinite loop, although we can see f doesn’t actually use y. An equivalent function in Haskell would be the following:

f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y = case x > 0 of
  True  -> x - 1
  False -> x + 1

It will never care about the value of y so it won’t bother to actually evaluate it. How can we verify this? Let’s just pass the product of all the positive numbers starting from 1 as the second argument; this doesn’t terminate, meaning that if f does give us back a result, it doesn’t evaluate y.

f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y = case x > 0 of
  True  -> x - 1
  False -> x + 1

main = print $ f 1 (product [1..])

This prints 0.

So x does get evaluated as expected since the result depends on its value, but the second argument never gets inspected! We say that f is strict in its first argument (since it forces its evaluation – it doesn’t care whether it will be the result of a very big computation or if it’s just a constant) and lazy in its second argument. The equivalent call to the C++ f function would just loop forever and is thus strict in both its arguments.

Another example, which happens to be simpler, is the standard (as in, is in the Prelude) const function:

const :: a -> b -> a
const x y = x

const doesn’t inspect any of its argument per se, so it may seem lazy in both its arguments. But when a call to const is evaluated (that’s the situation we are interested in, here, after all), its return value is evaluated too; that return value happens to be x. So it’s strict in x. However, you can pass it whatever you want as the y, it won’t ever be evaluated. This is a good general principle: a function obviously is strict in its return value, because when a function application needs to be evaluated, it needs to evaluate, in the body of the function, what gets returned. Starting from there, you can know what must be evaluated by looking at what the return value depends on invariably. Your function will be strict in these arguments, and lazy in the others.

You should however keep in mind that most languages aren’t entirely strict/lazy/non-strict. The || operator in C++ for example isn’t strict in its second argument. That is, in

bool big_computation();

if (true || big_computation())

the compiler will see that the first argument is true and the big_computation will hence usually be short-circuited. For an overview of different evaluation strategies, you may want to head to this wikipedia page.

In the same vein, we will soon see how we can in Haskell explicitly require some arguments or fields of data structures to be strict, thus forcing their evaluation at a moment when it may not yet be necessary. But before that, we shall go further in examining how laziness works and how it can affect your code.

Diving deeper

Towards NF and WHNF

You all know the length function, right? One possible definition is the following (tail-recursive).

length1 :: [a] -> Int
length1 l = go l 0
  where go []     acc = acc
        go (x:xs) acc = go xs (acc+1)

main = putStrLn ("length1 [1, 2, 3] = " ++ show (length1 [1,2,3]))

You probably have used it too, but in case you haven’t, it just computes the length of a list - so here it will return 3.

It seems to “deconstruct” the list by pattern matching on it, kind of forcing the evaluation of the list it is passed, not caring about how that list is produced, somehow being strict in its argument. So, passing it an infinite list will not terminate, right? Indeed it won’t.

Now let’s imagine we want to compute the length of a (finite, this time) list of numbers. If one of these numbers is our friend product [1..], it won’t terminate either right? Let’s use the following code to figure out.

length1 :: [a] -> Int
length1 l = go l 0
where go [] acc     = acc
      go (x:xs) acc = go xs (acc+1)

main = let x = product [1..] in print (length1 [1, x])

It prints 2!

Uh?! What happened? Wasn’t length supposed to evaluate its argument? Well, it did, up to some point. Remember, GHC will only evaluate what’s really necessary here. To make sense of this, let’s first remember how the [a] type is defined (almost, since it gets a special treatment syntax-wise).

data [] a = [] | (:) a [a]
-- or alternatively, a definition you can actually give to GHC:
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil

So what we are doing in length1 is somehow evaluating the list, isn’t it? Well, not exactly. Let’s examine how length1 [1, x] gets computed.

  length1 [1, x]
= length1 1:(x:[])      -- just rewriting for clarity
= 1 + length1 (x:[])    -- 1:(x:[]) satisfies the (x:xs) pattern, so that clause gets chosen
= 1 + 1 + length1 []    -- the very same goes for (x:[])
= 1 + 1 + 0             -- [], however, satisfies the first pattern, that of the empty list
= 2

This is all nice, but how is this helping us understand why length didn’t care we gave it a list whose second element was a computation that doesn’t terminate? Well, take another look at the evaluation of length [1, x]. Where/when did we actually need to know what values are stored in the list? We didn’t at all. So we’re evaluating, at each recursive step, if the list is the empty list or x:xs for some x and xs, but we’re not evaluating anything further than this.

Now, imagine we want a weird length function, that will only account for the positive numbers stored in the list. That is, we want weirdLength [-1, 1, 2] == 2 for example, and weirdLength would behave just like length for lists containing only positive numbers. Let’s write this function.

weirdLength :: [Int] -> Int
weirdLength []                 = 0                  -- nothing surprising here, 
                                                    -- just like before
weirdLength (x:xs) | x < 0     = weirdLength xs     -- negative number, we do not 
                                                    -- account for it
                   | otherwise = 1 + weirdLength xs -- positive number, we add one to the "length of the rest of the list"

main = let x = product [1..] in print (weirdLength [1, x])

This time, we’re actually taking a look at what the values stored in the list look like, so this time weirdLength [1,x] won’t terminate because the evaluation happens as follows:

  weirdLength [1, x]
= weirdLength 1:(x:[])   -- just rewriting for clarity
= 1 + weirdLength (x:[]) -- 1:(x:[]) satisfies the (x:xs) pattern, and 1 is positive, 
                         -- so we enter the last clause
= 1 + ???                
-- x:[] matches the second pattern (x:xs), but is x negative? 
-- We don't know unless we compute it, which the
-- runtime does... but it will never terminate.

As opposed to the usual length, we are evaluating everything there is in this list. Of course, the same goes for any of your algebraic data types. Consider the definition of Maybe and an accompanying function isNothing.

-- Maybe is defined as:
-- data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
isNothing Nothing  = True
isNothing (Just _) = False

main = let x = product [1..] in do 
  print $ isNothing Nothing
  print $ isNothing (Just 4)
  print $ isNothing (Just x)

Of course, isNothing Nothing returns True, isNothing (Just 4) returns False. But what does let x = product [1..] in isNothing (Just x) return? Does it even return? It does, and returns False, because it doesn’t need to inspect what’s actually sitting inside the Just constructor.

Admittedly, this discussion has been quite informal so far; there are more formal ways to talk about the different “dephts” to which we can evaluate expressions.

  1. Normal form (NF): An expression in normal form has been fully evaluated, there’s nothing that has been left unevaluated. Examples of expressions in NF are
    • 1
    • "haskell"
    • (2, True, Nothing)
    • \x -> x + 4.
  2. Weak head normal form (WHNF): An expression in weak head normal form is either a lambda abstraction or an expression that has its outermost constructor determined/evaluated but it may otherwise contain unevaluated sub expressions. Examples of expressions in WHNF are
    • (1+1, 2) – which can be rewritten as (,) (1+1) 2, so the outermost constructor is (,)
    • Just (sum [1..10]) – the outermost constructor here is Just
    • 1 : computePrimesUpTo 100 – the outermost constructor here is (:)
    • \x -> 2+2 – lambda abstraction, whnf doesn’t require to reduce the body

Note: an expression in normal form also is in weak head normal form, considering that if it has been fully evaluated, if it’s a lambda abstraction then we’re good by definition, and if it’s another kind of expression, the outermost constructor is determined among other things, since it’s fully evaluated.

So length and isNothing evaluate their arguments to WHNF whereas weirdLength evaluates the list of ints we hand it to NF.

Note: You may have heard about Head Normal Form too, which exists but isn’t implemented in GHC Haskell. You can read more about it here.


Determine how each of these obviously useful functions will evaluate its arguments (that can be “doesn’t evaluate at all”).

concatenate :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
concatenate [] l = l
concatenate (x:xs) l = x : concatenate xs l

mix :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mix [] l2 = l2
mix l1 [] = l1
mix (x1:x1s) (x2:x2s) = x1 : x2 : mix x1s x2s

silly :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
silly [] _ = []
silly _ [] = []
silly (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == 0    = silly xs ys
                    | otherwise = y : silly xs ys


  • concatenate evaluates its first argument to WHNF (it never cares about what is x in the second clause, or any property about it, it just passes it along) and doesn’t evaluate anything from its second argument l.
  • mix will evaluate both lists to WHNF for the same reason concatenate’s first argument will get evaluated to WHNF.
  • silly will however evaluate its first argument, the list of ints, to NF because it needs to know whether or not the x it has at hand is zero. The second list is only evaluated to WHNF, as in the previous examples.

Laziness in the GHC runtime system

The GHC runtime implements laziness mostly through what it calls thunks. You can picture a thunk as a box containing some expression that hasn’t been evaluated yet. Whenever the actual value of that expression is needed, the runtime will open the thunk and evaluate what’s inside it. That thunk may itself refer to other thunks that haven’t been evaluated yet either, and will thus make the runtime open and evaluate them too. Once the expression is evaluated (if the said expression terminates, that is, yields a value), the runtime system overwrites the thunk, replacing the “pointer” to the expression to evaluate by the actual result. For a deeper and longer explanation about laziness and the (GHC) Haskell heap, see Edward Z. Yang’s great blog post series, which starts here. You can read them after this article, since I try to give an intuition regarding how it works without building on top of it, but you should read them at some point if you care about how GHC executes your code (say, if you care about performance or timely resource management for example).

The thing you have to keep in mind though, is that basically anything creates a thunk in (GHC) Haskell, by default. This is GHC’s implementation of non-strictness, as required in the Haskell report, and gives us lazy evaluation. Consider the following code:

map negate [1,2,3]
-- reminder: this is equivalent to map negate (1:2:3:[])

How is this evaluated?

At the beginning, the whole expression is just a thunk. I will denote the thunks by <thunk: expression-to-be-evaluated> – this is not my invention, I have seen this in a few places already, including in this talk by Trevor Caira at NYC Haskell, which I recommend. So at the beginning, everything is just:

<thunk: map negate <thunk: (1:2:3:[])>>

What does map’s code look like?

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

In our case, we first go in the second clause. So we now have:

<thunk: negate <thunk: 1> : <thunk: map negate <thunk: [2,3]>>

negate x = -x. Then on to:

-<thunk: 1> : <thunk: map negate <thunk: [2,3]>>


-1 : <thunk: map negate <thunk: [2,3]>>

We have to evaluate the rest now, in the same way we tackled map negate [1,2,3] at the beginning, except that we have processed one element.

-- we evaluate [2,3] to WHNF just to figure out we enter the second clause of map
-1 : <thunk: negate <thunk: 2>> : <thunk: map negate <thunk: [3]>>
-- we evaluate negate as with 1
-1 : -<thunk: 2> : <thunk: map negate <thunk: [3]>>
-1 : -2 : <thunk map negate <thunk: [3]>>
-1 : -2 : <thunk: negate <thunk: 3>> : <thunk: map negate <thunk: []>>
-1 : -2 -<thunk: 3> : <thunk: map negate <thunk: []>>
-1 : -2 : -3 : <thunk: map negate <thunk: []>>
-1 : -2 : -3 : [] -- we encountered -> first clause of map

Now consider take 6 . map (+1) $ [1..10]. The map will of course be evaluated in the same way. However, lazy evaluation will make the runtime enter the take call first. Let’s suppose take is defined in the following way.

take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
take n _ | n <= 0 = []
take _ [] = []
take n (x:xs) = x : take (n-1) xs

Then we will just run the third clause and evaluate x+1 until n falls down from 6 to 0. The important thing to remember here is that evaluation starts in the outermost expression.

Laziness happens at each “level”, meaning you can evaluate what constructor was used (Just or Nothing, for example), then force the evaluation of what constructor was used for the data stored inside the Just, and so on. Getting top performance from your Haskell code generally means tailoring the evaluation of your data to the specific way it’s exploited in your case. If you read a lot of data from a file and process, say, each line separately, not reading the whole file at once in memory is a good idea. A good implementation would read the data and produce a list of lines “on-demand”. Then the function processing each line would take that list as an argument and consume it as it is being produced, doing the processing with O(1) space usage.

Strictness to the rescue

Laziness is nice, and comes in very handy in some situations. But in others, it doesn’t, it causes the creation of an awful lot of thunks, stacking up until you run out of memory. Instead, we would like to evaluate them as we go although the value they represent isn’t actually needed immediately. One very simple example of this is the classical sum function.

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum []     = 0
sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

Evaluating sum [1..5] (we evaluate outermost first, so we need to compte sum on all the list before being able to sum the numbers):

  sum [1..5]
= sum (1:2:3:4:5:[])                 -- rewriting for clarity
= 1 + sum (2:3:4:5:[])               -- matched the second pattern
= 1 + (2 + sum (3:4:5[]))            -- same
= ...
= 1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + (5 + sum [])))) -- matched the second pattern for 5:[]
= 1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + (5 + 0     )))) -- matched the first pattern for []
= 15                                 -- all the addition thunks are evaluated now
                                     -- could be annoying with millions of elements

Now, notice how additions are piling up without actually being computed. That’s because sum is building up a few thunks as it traverses the list. Obviously, we want to compute the result as we traverse the list. Maybe we could use an auxiliary function with an accumulator, right?

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum xs = go xs 0
  where go []     acc = acc
        go (x:xs) acc = go xs (acc + x)
        -- `acc` represents "the sum so far"

Let’s see how sum [1..5] behaves now.

  sum [1..5]
= go [1..5] 0
= go [2..5] (0+1)         -- go's second clause, x=1
= go [3..5] (0+1+2)       -- same, x=2
= go [4,5]  (0+1+2+3)     -- same, x=3
= go [5]    (0+1+2+3+4)   -- same, x=4
= go []     (0+1+2+3+4+5) -- same, x=5
= 0+1+2+3+4+5             -- go's first clause
= 15                      -- additions all evaluated at the end

Additions piling up again! How can we avoid this?

Bang Patterns

One very easy way is to use a strictness annotation for function arguments, through ! (pronounced bang). It requires a GHC extension (not a dangerous one, don’t worry), called BangPatterns. You may enable it by giving GHC/GHCi the -XBangPatterns argument, or by writing {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} at the very top of your file (preferred method). Here is our sum function, fixed.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum xs = go xs 0
  where go []     !acc = acc
        go (x:xs) !acc = go xs (acc + x)

Notice the two !’s right before acc. What’s happening is that these bangs ask that whenever one of these patterns is matched, the runtime should force the evaluation of the second argument, acc, before computing the RHS. However, it doesn’t evaluate to normal form but “only” to weak head normal form, whatever the type of the argument is. It is however enough for accumulators like numbers. But if we had written sum !xs instead of sum xs, it would only force the evaluation of the first cons-constructor ((:)) of the list, seeing unevaluated-head : unevaluated-tail-of-the-list. The same goes for values of type Maybe Int where it would evaluate whether the value is Nothing or Just unevaluated-content. And now, sum’s behavior:

  sum [1..5]
= go [1..5] 0  -- sum's definition
= go [2..5] 1  -- go's second clause, addition not piling up because 'acc' is evaluated
= go [3..5] 3  -- same
= go [4,5]  6  -- same
= go [5]    10 -- same
= go []     15 -- same
= 15           -- go's first clause

Hah, much better! That’s about all there is to the bang pattern though. It comes in very handy when you don’t want a lot of thunks to pile up on arguments that have “simple types”, i.e where weak head normal form also is normal form, or where just forcing the constructor is really what you want and is enough, but the former is a much common criterion. For your custom data types or more complex structures, there’s something similar but much more appropriate.

Strict fields in data types

Somehow dual to the need for strictness in accumulators mentionned above, sometimes we also want to evaluate values before we put them as some field in a data type. Imagine you’re doing a bunch of matrix/vector operations. As a matter of fact, that’s precisely what I had to do when I implemented the backpropagation learning algorithm in my neural networks library. We do not want for the operations to pile up before being evaluated there! That would mean that thousands and thousands of arithmetic operations would have to be performed pretty much in one shot at the end to compute the new matrices, the output of the neural network on all input vectors and what not. That’s just something we can’t decently work with. So we somehow have to force the evaluation of all our matrix and vector coefficients right away, but throwing a lot of bangs at our code will be cumbersome, inelegant and we would have that feeling that there must be a better way to do it. Well, we would be right! And, to be honest, we will be throwing a bunch of !’s at our code there too, but differently.

Keeping our matrix example, but simplifying it a bit, we will write a 2x2 matrix data type that will be strict in all its fields. No language extension needed this time though!

data Matrix2 a = M2 !a !a !a !a -- the four coefficients of our 2x2 matrix
-- here the coefficients can be of an arbitrary type, but this would
-- work too, only restricting us to Double coefficients:
data Matrix2 = M2 !Double !Double !Double !Double

That’s it! I will let you check that the fields indeed get evaluated when we create a value of type Matrix2 by creating a matrix whose coefficients are all equal to product [1..].

data Matrix2 = M2 !Double !Double !Double !Double deriving Show

main = do
  print (M2 1 2 3 4)
  -- this won't terminate
  let x = product [1..] in print (M2 x x x x)

You can see that here, all fields are marked with a !, but you can specify some strict fields and some non-strict ones, by just putting a ! right before the fields you want to be strict.


Here’s some food for thought, with the answers right after the block of questions, in the “Show more” thingy.

  • For example, you may want a hand-rolled Pair data type whose first component is strict and whose second component isn’t. How would you do it?
  • Have you ever wondered what exactly made strict and lazy ByteStrings respectively strict and lazy? The same question holds for Text too. The lazy variant for both uses “chunks”. Can you tell what’s going on using our intuition so far and the hadoocks for Data.ByteString.Lazy and Data.Text.Lazy? How does this bring O(1) space when used accordingly?


The custon Pair type is pretty simple.

data Pair a b = Pair !a b

Regarding Text and ByteString, since they use a similar technique for implementing the lazy variant on top of the strict one, we will just study Text. So here’s the idefinition of Data.Text.Lazy.Text:

data Text = Empty
          | Chunk {-# UNPACK #-} !T.Text Text

Let’s skip the {-# UNPACK #-} pragma for now, as it is the topic of the next section and isn’t our concern here. The T.Text field there refers to Data.Text.Internal.Text, a data type representing “A space efficient, packed, unboxed Unicode text type” – this is what your usual strict Text type is. The second field refers to the type we’re defining itself.

Hmm, that rings a bell! That’s quite close to a list, with elements of type T.Text but “strictified”. That means that whenever we add another “bucket” of text to this list, it’ll get evaluated (when the creation of the list will actually happen in memory). So we’re operating on a list of strict texts.

Taking a closer look, we see that the second field of the Chunk constructor isn’t strict though. That means that we don’t necessarily require the evaluation of the whole list whenever we just access a Chunk. The remaining elements are provided on-demand, as needed, Chunk by Chunk.

That provides a partial answer to the O(1) space question: we can bring the content of a file (for example) chunk by chunk in memory. The answer is completed by the fact that if you manage to have the garbage collector free the Chunks after they’re used, you’ll only have a handful of Chunks in memory at the same time. That’s however far from trivial to achieve, and is addressed by streaming libraries such as pipes, conduit or io-streams.

{-# UNPACK #-} and unboxed strict fields

Unpacking strict fields in data types is one of the key techniques for writing efficient Haskell code. But before introducing it, let’s state the problem it solves.

Like in many programming languages, by default, GHC’s runtime doesn’t just store raw machine values. In particular, we have seen that laziness is implemented by storing a pointer to an unevaluated expression until the actual result is required, at which point we evaluate the expression and replace the pointer to the expression by the result. That requires some overhead on almost every single value you create.

Memory layout for boxed values

On the contrary, an unboxed value is represented in memory by… just the value itself directly, no indirection is necessary, no pointer to a heap value (thus disabling any laziness).

For example, Int is the type of boxed ints. On the other hand, Int# is the type of unboxed ints, represented by a raw machine int, like you have them in C. The same goes for Double#, Float#, Addr# (that’s just void*), etc. They all end with #, and some of the standard Haskell types are built on top of these unboxed types. One important note: these types cannot be defined in Haskell; they are somehow hardcoded in the compiler. The interested reader can head to GHC.Prim’s documentation to learn more about them and how they are generated by GHC.

So we happen to have access to the raw, low-level operations through this GHC.Prim module. For example, the addition for Int# defined there will most likely compile down to just a single assembly addition instruction.

But what does this have to do with unpacking? Well, remember the matrices from earlier? What if I wanted to store my 4 Doubles right in the matrix, instead of having 4 pointers to dereference? That’s basically storing 4 values of type Double#. Well, that’s precisely what the {-# UNPACK #-} pragma lets us do in the following code. Note that an unpacked field necessarily has to be strict, so GHC will reject an {-# UNPACK #-} pragma sitting right before a non-strict field.

data Mat2 = M2 {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
               {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
               {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
               {-# UNPACK #-} !Double

This is equivalent to:

data Mat2 = M2 Double#

Note: you can’t directly use Int#, Double#, etc in your code unless you switch on the MagicHash language extension (either by passing -XMagicHash to GHC, or by writing {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} at the top of your haskell module.

Another note: if you pass GHC the -funbox-strict-fields option (or write {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-} at the top of your module), it will try to unbox all the fields you have marked as strict (with a !), silently failing for those it can’t unbox. If you mark a non-unpackable field with an {-# UNPACK #-} pragma, it will however warn you that it couldn’t unpack it.

One last thing about {-# UNPACK #-}. When can we apply it? That’s quite simple: the type you want to unpack inside the bigger one must have a single constructor (e.g, not data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a, which has two constructors Nothing and Just), must not be a type variable (e.g data Foo a = Foo {-# UNPACK #-} !a won’t work, GHC must know what a is) and must be marked strict (data Foo = Foo {-# UNPACK #-} Int won’t work but data Foo = Foo {-# UNPACK #-} !Int will).


Fortunately, and that shouldn’t be too surprising to you, GHC handles very well product types. Please consider the following snippet.

data StrictIntPair = SIP {-# UNPACK #-} !Int 
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

data TwoSIPs = TwoSIPs {-# UNPACK #-} !StrictIntPair 
                       {-# UNPACK #-} !StrictIntPair

f :: TwoSIPs -> TwoSIPs
f (TwoSIPs (SIP a b) (SIP c d)) = TwoSIPs (SIP x x) (SIP x x)
  where x = a+b+c+d

How will TwoSIPs actually be represented? Don’t pay too much attention to the f there, I only use it to witness the transformations GHC does.


TwoSIPs will be equivalent to the following data type.

data TwoSIPs = TwoSIPs Int# Int# Int# Int#

We can be sure of this by just looking at the generated Core (if you don’t know what that is or how you can look at it, until there’s a better starting point you probably should start here).

f :: TwoSIPs -> TwoSIPs
f =
  \ (ds :: TwoSIPs) ->
    case ds of _ { TwoSIPs rb rb1 rb2 rb3 ->
    let {
      a :: Int#
      a = +# (+# (+# rb rb1) rb2) rb3 } in
    TwoSIPs a a a a

First, we can see TwoSIPs’ final layout on the 4th line: case ds of _ { TwoSIPs rb rb1 rb2 rb3 -> ... }. Just four fields. These fields happen to be Int#s, as witnessed by the a value, whose type is Int#, and it happens to be computed using native additions ((+#)), and that’s correctly typed only if all the operands (rb, rb1, rb2 and rb3) are of type Int# too.

So, how come TwoSIPs ends up storing just four Int#s?

  • If we take a look at StrictIntPair, well okay, the plan is to end up storing two Int#s there. Nothing complicated, GHC will gladly unpack these ints in StrictIntPair instead of having pointers to where they are stored, far away from their parent StrictIntPair. It will also unbox them, our strict unpacked Ints may as well just be machine integers, that is to say Int#s. So we end up with something like data StrictIntPair = SIP Int# Int#. So far, so good!
  • Now, let’s consider TwoSIPs. We ask for the StrictIntPairs to be strict fields of TwoSIPs. In addition to this, we would like it to be unpacked in the memory layout of TwoSIPs. StrictIntPair being a single-constructor data type with no type variable involved, and since it’s marked as strict, GHC can unpack it, therefore getting rid of the SIP constructor. Remember, we can unpack single-constructor data types only, that’s for a reason: we know which constructor was used (since there is only one) so we don’t loose any information on our way to data TwoSIPs = TwoSIPs Int# Int# Int# Int#. We can as well then just store those two Int#s per StrictIntPair right in TwoSIPs, thus the final representation.

If there’s one thing to remember from this example, it’s the way GHC took two StrictIntPair fields to transform them to just four Int#s.

You can learn more about unpacking in the dedicated section of the GHC manual.

Other ways to force the evaluation

There are some other ways to control the evaluation of your data. For example, if you ever need to evaluate a value before passing it to some function, maybe you’re just after ($!), which is function application (just like ($)), but evaluating the argument to WHNF before passing it to the function.

I have deliberately not mentionned seq in this article, because it seems to be a consensus that throwing seqs around in our code isn’t good practice: using strict (optionally unboxed) fields and bang patterns appears to cover pretty much all cases. However, most of these techniques rely on seq, which is just a primop (like the operations on unboxed types, it’s not definable in Haskell, thus baked into the GHC runtime system) and its action is to evaluate its first argument to WHNF and return the second argument. This sounds innocent but it can lead to broken guarantees about our code, when used badly, as you can read here.

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